Its been exactly 2 months -- I've been away from work.
{Sick leave + annual leave}
That was a LAX trip, I was very tired but I promised I would visit Ben's dad & brother. That night in LAX was my first experience with morning sickness. Woke up at 4AM local time, thought it was the traffic that has woken me up. Figured it'll be so easy for me to drift back to sleep but it was way too hot even with the fan in my face! Then suddenly it came... I covered my mouth with my hands and rushed into the toilet. At that moment all that came up in my mind was "NO WAY!! OH COME ON NOT THIS". I was simply just feeling nausea and dizzy but luckily it was mild... Later that noon, Ben's dad dropped me back to the hotel, and I was very glad I was back. I can just relax and sleep for the rest of the second night and third day in LAX.
I just want to go home ><"
Headaches + more nausea
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The thought of me being pregnant is still unbelievable! I mean it in a good way of course, apart from having 6 weeks (maybe more) of severe morning sickness (more like all-day for me) there's nothing much that says "pregnant" to me!! Hah hah...
Had my very first Dating scan 1st July

The cursors with the dots running between them? That's my baby at 6 weeks and 4 days!! I didn't react too much to the scan... well.... I can't see much but a "black-hole" HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Then i heard the heartbeats... I had tears in my eyes! it was AMAZING!! The heartbeat was beating very fast!
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The new AIRNZ Trelise Cooper uniform was launched a few months ago!
Cabin crew in sunset pink; Managers in sky blue; Ground staff in green!
This is just one look to the uniform... there's pinstripe pencil skirt, patterned skirt, trousers, dress, 3 different jackets and of course (my least favorite) THE "hat"
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現在是早上的一點十八分......... 我自己一個人........在夏威夷!! 再過個三天我就又要回去考試囉... 在天空飛來飛去的我這樣就飛了快兩年了! 時間過的真快丫! 我也很對不起自己以及自己的BLOG因為真的十分就沒UPDATE啦!!! 2009年過的特別的快... 我這樣就已經當陳太太半年多的時間囉!! 老實說啦........ 很多女人說結婚後很不一樣! 怎麼說呢????!!! 我是覺得沒什麼太大的變化.... 就跟以前一樣的生活丫! 老公再過幾個月就得回台灣找工作了!! <<B!!~~~ 加油丫!! YOU CAN DO IT!!>> 說到這裡... 其實我真的很難過因為我們要分割兩國...................... 其實兩年前就知道會發生的事了只不過沒想到... 真的快要發生了! 最近想好多唷~~~~~~~~~~~~
弄得我工作不專心... 好煩....
不行了啦................... 該睡覺了...... *哭*
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autumn is here... and i'm not even ready for it yet~
after using this laptop for 3 months...
i... finally... 找到中文keyboard啦!!!!!! 真的是超白癡的...............
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