The thought of me being pregnant is still unbelievable!  I mean it in a good way of course, apart from having 6 weeks (maybe more) of severe morning sickness (more like all-day for me) there's nothing much that says "pregnant" to me!!  Hah hah...


Had my very first Dating scan 1st July


The cursors with the dots running between them?  That's my baby at 6 weeks and 4 days!!  I didn't react too much to the scan... well.... I can't see much but a "black-hole" HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  Then i heard the heartbeats... I had tears in my eyes! it was AMAZING!!  The heartbeat was beating very fast!  

Besides having the thought of being pregnant - having the symptoms of morning sickness;  I was very dehydrated I had to go on 3 types of medications to help with nausea and vomiting 3 times a day.  I couldn't go to work, I can't go out, I couldn't eat or drink, I couldn't even get out of bed due to lack of energy but I did managed to rush to the toilet when i'm about to puke!  I literately jumped out of bed!!  I remembered having food dreams every night, food that I can & cannot eat... ahhh those good old memories... I WILL NEVER FORGET



13 weeks and 4 days - went and got another scan on Down syndrome!  So far by the look at the scans baby is doing real fine and I'm a low risk!  YAY!!  This scan was a huge surprise for both Ben and I... I know BB has grown, but not this obvious!!!  We can see BB's nose very clearly.  BB was very naughty during the scan (or maybe all the time) waving his/her arms and legs!  He/she even did a stretch!!!  It was an exciting scan... I wish I've paid for a DVD for it... so I could share that moment with grandparents XD   Baby's heartbeat is abit slower than the first time we've heard it but more stronger and good rhythm!  

I'm gradually eating now, small amount for every meals but most importantly I reckon taking in lots and lots of fluids is extremely important for pregnant mommies!!  But most importantly keep on a happy cheerful mind and attitude... maybe its just me... I found its real hard not to get moody ><"

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    Chloe ~ my life

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