Aloha from Hawaii~ known as the surfing paradise
its got sooo much to do here~ obviously a place for outdoor lovers
By the time i got to the hotel it's 8:30pm local time
when i got into my room... i saw the most awesome night view from the balcony!!
so out come my camera~ i relaxed abit on the balcony and finally decided to get change!
if you look at the far end... that's the beach~
now lets look at the day view...
see what i mean???
now a view of my room~ it is a big size for one person~
its so sad i couldn't take anyone with me on this trip.....
otherwise it'll be one fun trip of 6 days!!!!!
The next morning....
this is a foodcourt in the largest mall in Ala Moana
its got over 200 stores to shop in including all branded boutiques such as LV, Prada, Chanel, etc
You name it they've got it!!!
Local Sales Tax in Hawaii is 4.712% whereas the mainland america like LA is 8.25-8.50% Tax
Being a Virgo... i guess i'm quite careful with getting a fair price
so shopping here in Hawaii is cheaper than mainland america
most merchandises are the same price except the Tax difference
but do keep in mind if you happen to go to Hawaii for holidays....
shopping CAN cost abit more than LA, SFO, etc because stuff are shipped from the mainland
This is the Convention Center... Jus 2 minutes from the Ala Moana Hotel
Very nice structure... all in glass
This was on my way towards Waikiki.... a different suburb
most of the shopping there are like New Market...
but more classy... hehehe... because again like Ala Moana Mall
they are high class shopping
DFS is located @ Waikiki, only people holding an airfare or aircrew passes are allow in
so... if you don't have neither?? heh heh... can't go in
One minute the sun was shinning
the next minute it started to rain..... (just like auckland)
so we have to stop and look for cover!!!
we decided to grab some drinks and cake and just to relax our legs ^_^
Cheesecake Factory!!! they have the most choices of cheesecakes!!!!
Waikiki Beach - origin of hawaii's birth
well...... i tried to take this statue 4 times!!!! but apparently the sun won!!! aiii.....
anyways... this statue.... is a dude~ he was the hero of hawaii~
he was the dude who brought surfing around the world~
you know wat im saying? he is THE SURFING KING
so... dinner time...
since i'm @ Hawaii~ its exotic~ its surrounded by water~
i want SEAFOOD!!!!!!
Cajin Garlic Shrimps with bread
well.... Hawaii is FULL of japanese~~
they even have a place where older generations of japanese can come and hang-out~
just like how in hongkong older generations hang-out @ yum-cha places... lol
to be continue..........