我又回到了San Francisco了~ 天氣還是跟一個月前差不多~ 非常的涼快
這一次飛~ 跟了一個我在training前就認識的一個漂亮的韓國女生一起飛
我們兩個~ 都沒有買很多衣服或是化妝品什麼的
紐航3個月前~ 新介紹了全球在飛機上的concierge (someone with knowledges of destionations people are going to)
不過價格就有點over priced
但是我們還是決定去了~ since we're not going to spend our money any place else
Soup: sweet white corn & dungeness carb
超好喝的~ its very sweet~ NO SMG~ and its not a heavy based soup! loved it!!
im having ICE TEA~~
Oven roasted Alaskan halibut w field greens, strawberries & spicy gingered fish sauce
Seared dayboat scallops w spicy red curry & green papaya
OMG~ it melted in my mouth~~~~~~~~!!!!
caramelized tiger prawns w garlic, onions & chilli sauce
this goes real real gooooood w rice!!!
cellophane noodles w fresh dungenous crab meat
this is one of my favourite dish!! again another refreshing meal~~
Desserts!!!! me and my friend just couldn't finished the meal without desserts!!!
argghhh~ our sweet tooth... hee hee
the above dessert is a pudding i can't remember the exact ingrediants... but OMG its sooo damn good
this is a Chocolate Sorbet! my first time ever to try chocolate sorbet~
with moist brownie and vanilla ice cream~
not TOO sweet~~
we saw this in Westfield SFO~ Gelatos and Sorbets!!
of course... i had the Pomegranate flavour with Little Italy on a Waffle Cone
Bagels~~ People loves bagels in the states
We had this for breakfast @ a place called Posh Bagels
its not a flash looking cafe but once you passed though it on the street you would wanna go in