korean black bean paste noodle

-  mixed veges (corn, peas, carrots) 
-  seafood (shrimps, squids, scallops)
-  lean pork; diced up similar size with the above
-  dry/fresh ROUND noodles
-  black bean paste

stir-fried meat and seafood and lastly add in veges.
cook until golden and pour boiling water until all covered; simmer
add in the black bean paste to the amount suited (欸~ 有些人喜歡淡一點嘛)
add starch to thicken the sauce
water boil noodle
spoon sauce over noodle

haha... that piece of chicken aint supposed to be there...
and i didn't have time to buy "round" noodle...

seaweed side dish

add finely chopped garlic and sesame oil

ranking BON APPETITE ~ chloe ©©©©


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