這次去了美國Cerritos~  住的hotel算是最方便的了
25號離開了紐西蘭~ 剛好避開了奧克蘭的storm~  到達sunshine LA
第一次來到Cerritos (阿踢住的地方) 阿踢.... 竟然不在~ 哈哈!

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Finally the sun is out!!!!!  With the sun shining at last the house doesn't feel as damp as before~
2~3 weeks without a "real" sunlight has been torture~
everytime i came back to Auckland with the rain and the thunder storms~ 
Just simply makes me lazy and tired and most disgusting makes me wanna eat to keep warm

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our graduation cake!!  very very rich chocolate cake~~
其實~ 還好啦... 我穿的不怎麼好看

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哈哈~ 終於被我找到了~ 在universal studio又跟阿踢提到的coins~
跟我們用錢換的很不一樣吧~ nz的沒什麼特別的

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左邊 = jacko - 7 months old
右邊 = tigger - 3.5 years old
小jacko真的很貪吃!!  吃不飽的!
因為我要飛... ben也不在紐西蘭所以把小jacko逮到我媽家住個12天

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